An important role for the Shop and Café

Normandy Community Shop and Café has reached the point where we are seeking to make an important addition to the Management Team and would like you to consider whether you are the right person to come forward in this key role. 

Our current Society Secretary, Gary Phillips, has been with us from the outset, and is involved in a number of voluntary organisations. So, he is planning to step down in October, agreeing to support fully the person coming in to take up the role until then. 

Gary has done a tremendous job over the last four years in setting up the processes, organisation and governance for the society, so whoever comes into the role will have an excellent basis on which to build.

The Society Secretary is a key role, similar to the Company Secretary in a normal business, that helps to ensure the continued success of the business.

It requires someone with organisational skills and attention to detail, and is seen as the representative of the shareholders and the main point of contact for outside bodies. Typically this might be a role for someone ho has operated in a similar role in another organisation, or maybe someone who feels they would like to make a significant contribution to the support for the community of Normandy.

There is a document on this Shop and Café website ( outlining the job description and giving further details of how to find out more. If you’d like to speak to someone first, the best person to speak to would be Neil Brown, our Chairman (email:

Again, this is a key role, the Community Shop and Café has to have such a role, so it is vital that we can find someone to fulfil it. The role is a voluntary and part time, but we will do everything we can to support the successful candidate and will pay any expenses incurred in the setting up and continued delivery of the role.

Thank you for reading.