Fundraising, funding & share options

We have only been able to go ahead with the building of the Shop and Café through the hard work of the Management Committee and the generosity of our supporters.

There have been two main sources of funding so far – a crowdfunded share sale held during the first half of 2021 and a successful application to Surrey County Council’s “YourFund” scheme.

The Share campaign proved to be incredibly successful. Over 300 people bought shares in the venture, with a total in excess of £94,000 being raised. These shares do not return dividends to the shareholders; they are a demonstration of the support people have for the idea of a shop and cafe returning to the village. 

YourFund is the name of an initiative within Surrey County Council to recognise the need to support communities with the county. More details of Your Fund and the projects that have been and are being supported can be found at Surrey County Council’s “Your Fund”

Share Offer 2023 – Booster

Over the past three years we have experienced a pandemic and escalating costs, in both building materials, everyday utilities and expenses. All these changes have had an impact on our build and budgets.

With this in mind, we decided to launch a second Share Offer Campaign to help us get over the finishing line and support the shop’s overheads for the first couple of months. This took place in May and June 2023, raising another £2,500.

We are so grateful to all those who purchased shares. We believe you will be proud to be part of this amazing community project.

Annual General Meeting

Normandy Community Shop and Cafe Limited is set up as a Community Benefit Society, being regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Each year an Annual General Meeting is held, at which the past year is reviewed and members of the Management Committee are elected. Our latest AGM took place in July 2023, with the next one likely to be in July 2024.

We have AGM procedures that will be followed and notification to shareholders and the community will be sent out accordingly.